Testimony: Horse and Puppies Story.

Randy YoderAnimal Health, Blog, Customer Testimonial, Relief

” Tobiano – I’ll call him “Toby” – is a 29-year-old horse owned by Ann Q, who’s been in the horse business for years. When it came out last fall, she tried the Master Clip on her horse with the velcro strap that was provided. Toby promptly stomped his hoof on the ground until it fell off. Enough of that, Ann thought. But recently, she noticed Toby was carrying one of his back legs. He was truly limping and only walking on 3 … Read More


Tuning ElementBusiness Opportunity

Machelle & Kevin first bought a Tuning Element product in season/year. Over the next months/years, they purchased a few more products and sent a dozen of their friends to Tuning Element to find help too. When one of Kevin’s friends asked “What’s your number or something so you can get credit for the sale?” he wondered if Tuning Element had a way for him to actually profit from selling the same product that had changed his life. When asked why … Read More