Testimony: Dropped a cabinet on his toe

Randy YoderBlog, Customer Testimonial, Relief

“My youngest son dropped a cabinet on his toe when we were moving,” Vita said. “We put some of the patches on him and a level 4 necklace. He said it stung a little bit, but he didn’t feel (bad) at all, even though his toe turned black and blue.”Just to make sure everything was OK, she took her son to the ER. The doctor there said “That’s a different kind of bruising,” referring to the patches.“Actually, those are 5-Minute … Read More

Testimony: “Well, I had foot surgery…”

Randy YoderBlog, Customer Testimonial, Relief

“Dale was at a show and a lady had been watching from a distance for some time. She finally came over and said “I’ve been watching you…putting these patches on people and they move around and stuff. What’s that patch for?” “It’s for relief .” “Well, I had foot surgery…” they put a patch on. She ended up buying a Cortex and more patches to take home and use on others. She’s happy as can be.” Testimony shared by: Dale … Read More

Randy’s Phone Testimonies: “sooooo much better”

Randy YoderBlog, Customer Testimonial, Relief, Sleep

David B was anxious. I put a five minute patch on his back and he literally was calm and peaceful within that five minute period of time. Later Saturday evening I insisted on putting patches on both shoulders where he has the most pain when moving his arms. Within 30 minutes he reached for something on the bed and surprised both of us. His range of motion had already improved, and his pain levels have decreased by roughly 50%.  By morning we saw an … Read More