
5 Minute Relief Patch Study

We believe that 5 Minute Relief Patches are NOVEL efective supportive modalities in pain modulation and can signicantly decrease the use of opioids in pain management.
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Be Well Patch Study

There are some pilot clinical studies, that Autism and Attention deficit disorders can be remediated using titanium Salt infused patches. Here, we applied the unique approach to explain how titanium Salt infused patches can influence the functioning of nerve cell synapses and consequently remediate Autism and Attention deficit disorders at the molecular level using the resonant recognition Model.
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Biofield Science and History Study

Biofield science is an emerging field of study that aims to provide a scientific foundation for understanding the complex homeodynamic regulation of living systems. By furthering our scientific knowledge of the biofield, we arrive at a better understanding of the foundations of biology as well as the phenomena that have been described as “energy medicine.” Energy medicine, the application of extremely low-level signals to the body, including energy healer interventions and bioelectromagnetic device-based therapies, is incomprehensible from the dominant biomedical paradigm of “life as chemistry.”
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Influence on Pain Study

Tuning element relief patches (TERPs) are silicon-based titanium salt infused adhesive patches that have been developed by Tuning Element. A number of anecdotal reports have shown that TERPs diffuse pain, including chronic, inflammatory, and neuropathic. Pain is a very complex biochemical and electrical process involving sensory part, nerve transmission, and brain perception of pain. We concentrated our research on nerve transmission, which is electrical signal along the nerve (axon). This electrical signal is created by a complex activity of opening and closing of pain related ion channels and redistribution of electrically charged ions on the nerve cell membrane. Ion channels are made of different proteins, which are involved with the complex processes of opening and closing ion channels.
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Tuning Element Mode of Action

Tuning Element 5 Minute Relief Patches (TERP) are Silicon base, infused with Titanium Salt and imprinted with Extremely Low Electromagnetic Frequency (ELEF). TERP have been developed by Tuning Element LLC. Anecdotal reports and testimonials have shown that TERP are beneficial in pain management. TERP have been researched by Professor Durham at MSU: the research has found that TERP are not harmful, and may enhance wound healing. TERP have been analyzed by Professor Cosic and found to be acting similar as toxin based pain killers and without side effects
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MSU Study

Results from our study demonstrate that Tuning Element™ patches did not cause any negative effects on either uninjured or injured skin. However, we did observe a trend of Tuning Element patches to improve epithelial organization and wound closure following an incisional wound when compared to bandaged wounds. Furthermore, the Tuning Element patches had a better overall wound healing score when compared to patches/bandages that were not tuned. Taken together, data from this study would suggest that Tuning Element™ patches may improve the wound healing process caused by a surgical incisional wound.
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