It’s almost Friday, and time for another backpacking trip!!!

Tuning ElementBlog

It’s almost Friday, and time for another backpacking trip!!!

Getting older isn’t always physically easy. But, I bet many of you are like me even though we age physically…we still want to mentally think we can do the things we did at our younger ages.

Well, that’s definitely me.  In my 30’s I began to enjoy backpacking and hiking miles and miles up and down the Ozark mountains.  Back then it was easy, and a 15-mile backpack was no big deal.
Age 50 came upon me and even though mentally I’m ready to hit those miles, physically I’m just not there.  Even after a mile or so….the back, hips, and knees begin to ache.  And worst of all I started the bad habit of simply taking pain relievers to make the trip.  And even then, with several doses of ibuprofen in me, I still had pain.  So what was once one of the activities I enjoyed the most was now becoming merely a painful, frustrating activity that I did just for the exercise?
Well, then along came the Tuning Element Cortex Necklace…and what a fantastic transformation. After I purchased the necklace, I didn’t notice much difference in the first couple of days… I wasn’t doing much activity, so everything was normal.  But I had a backpack scheduled the next week, so I decided to see how much the product would work.   Again…I expected the same amount of pain and was dreading the trip.  But about a mile into the trip, I felt great.  The pain in my back, hips, and knees was pretty much gone!  My muscles were being taxed as this was a tougher trail, but my joints had almost no pain.  I became a Tuning Element believer!   In fact, my “little boy” came out and I did extra exploring, rock climbing, and much more because of how good I felt.
Fast forward one year. I still have some aching muscles after a trip, but now I can enjoy getting out in the wilderness again without having to deal with so much joint and back pain.  I’m not overdosing on pain relievers, and I sleep much better in my tent.
Oh….it’s almost Friday, and time for another backpacking trip!!!
Rob Batchman

Rob Batchman

Director of Sales and Dealer Relations